Reflection Eternal Train Of Thought Zip

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Andrew Luck, whose status had been mostly obscured by the Indianapolis Colts through the NFL preseason, will be out at least several more weeks as he continues to. Satsang with Mooji  In whatever form that we presently consider ourselves, our chief interest is in ourself actually. Even if you are the most egocentric person, you are interested in yourself. You may even say that you are very much a servant and you help and serve the world, its because somehow it brings pleasure to you, to your own being to do it. Everything is a self concern somehow. Because for any action to occur, any intention, it must be to satisfy some urge which is closer than intimacy itself, it must be because of the impact which is felt here Mooji pointing the chestheart. If I give, and there is a joy in giving, its because that joy is felt here chest. If some action or a thought expressed by myself causes injury to another, then its felt here chest. So really, everything comes back to the sense of yourself and how you feel about it. For a while, the Self, the Pure Being, in its expression through these bodies, somehow begin to take the body to be itself I am the body. If you listen to any conversation in any restaurant, you can assertain how much when people say I, it is refering to the body. Most of the time, when I speak about myself, or who I am, it is based upon I am the body. How many times, when we are speaking I, is it refering to I as consciousness, and how much is it refering to I as the body When I is wearing some psychological uniform, and when it is pure consciousness, you can listen and find out. Ftdi Serial Usb Cable. So the majority of time the consciousness itself, in the modification that it is the body, is still concern about itself how things effect you, what is ot is not to your benefit, what may cause you injury or even remove your existence, this is our concerns, constantly. But when this consciousness is strongly identified with personality and body, it is prone to many feelings of fear, suspicion, division, very divisive, and its love, which is also vital even for the ego, is often reduced to a very tribal expression, those who are more like me. So it is not living in its full potential, its full capacity, for the love that is all encompassing, all inclusive love, because the ego itself is very divided. So gradually through self examination, or whatever form of discipline that we feel drawn to in order to find out more about who it is that we are, or what it is that this is all about, we are brought more and more to focus upon ourselves. And the more you focus on yourself, beyond our conditioned idea and identity, one sees that even the conditioned being is itself merely a phenomenon, its only a construct mostly of thoughts and the belief in thoughts, that I take to be myself. When that is recognized, a deeper field of being is prevailing, and its felt very clear that I am not merely an object. For so long, I have refered to myself based upon the support of I am the body, but that is now clearly seen that that is only an idea. And what witnesses that idea So something is driven inwardly, and through this introspection that everything that is known to me, everything that is perceived by me, is merely a phenomenon manifesting in me. It cannot be what I am, because it requires myself to perceive it, to say that it is, or it is not, that is true or it is not. Everything must report to the sens of myself who I am. And so somehow, scanning and surveying and observing all that is potentially perceivable or experienced, one sees that all of this must report to the experiencer, to the I am the very core of this experience. Now the question is Who or what can I be Can I also be a phenomenon being watched like other phenomenon If you come to the place, first, of such seeing that whatever it is, whether a thought, sensation or emotion, or the perception of time, space, you and me, world, this and that, anything that can be the product of the interrelated play and the perception of it, wether it is clear for you that everything stands only upon your acceptance or non acceptance of it, that is is you for whom it is real or not, then you begin to have a sense of the significance of I, that I ultimately is the seer and the judge, the interpreter, all of this is reporting to me, thats how important you are in your world. When it is clear that the seer must be present for the seeing to appear, and I said before, no thought can be self employed, it must be employed by some other force thats taking to be real or not, and that force is yourself, so if you can come to this place of seeing and clarity, then something is already tremendous about this. If this place I am the one who sees everything else, feels emotions, time, space, mind, memory even, the function of intellect, anything, then the question is can the observer of these be itself observed This is my question. If ultimately without the sense of I, the root perceiving, without that nothing else can be perceived, everything must be reporting to that. So we can leave everything else thats reportable aside, that to which it reports, can the natural sense of myself be outside of that Or must it not be present as That Must I not be that Seer And if I am that seer who is the witness of all phenomenons, am I myself phenomenal Find out. Can the Seer be seen This is what I call contemplating the Self. Can the Seer be seen Now you find out. Does it possess quality that it can be discerned, so you would say Oh, yes, I see the Seer, so the question comes who are you who see the seer Who is the seer of the seer Can the seer of the seer be seen Dont get lost, please. Where do you have to go to report your findings What instrument do you need to assist your enquiry Try it now, this is called introspection. Contemplate, its a simple fact. Im not reporting on some metaphysical thing that is just beyond you, later when you are spiritual enough, no, now, here now, you have the capacity in you now. All that you considered to be known by you is only as it appears in your world, in your mind, as you perceive, as you accept or not accept. This is the significance of I, when you say I, you are the seer, I the seer. Even the sens of personality and its conditioning is perceived in you. Or we can just say it is perceived, it is perceivable, which means that its a phenomenon, its being witnessed. I am looking to this hand, the hand is not looking at me. I am the witness of this.