Itextsharp Add Header To Existing Pdf
Convert HTML String To PDF Via i. Text. Sharp Library And Send As An Email Attachment. In this article we will see how we can convert string of data to PDF and then send email with attached copy of generated PDF. Firstly, we can convert the string of data to PDF by using Popular Library for rendering PDF is Itext. Sharp. Secondly, we can attach the converted PDF file to email and send to the recipient by using built in C Mail messages Class. So, lets start to build our first step,Step 1 Convert HTML String to PDF,In this step we will first create button which will do the rest of work on Click event. Lets create the button to perform the required operation. Part 6 iTextSharp WatermarkPdfStamper pdf. To implement this concept first create one new website and add one of your existing pdf file to your website after that open Default. This article, by Scott Mitchell, shows how to programmatically populate PDF form fields using ASP. NET and the free, open source iTextSharp library. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Button IDbtnPDFEmail runatserver TextConvert HTML to PDF and Send Email with Attachment On. ClickbtnPDFEmailClick . The UI view looks like the following So our front end is all set and we need to apply the cs logic to perform operation. Home Angular 4 RxJS retry failed request handle and retry the failed request due to Poor Network Connection in Angular 4 How To handle and retry the failed. Ive created a class that extends PdfPageEventHelper to add a specific message at the end of the page. The problem is that this text need to be added only to the end. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to export ASP. Net Web Page with images to PDF using ITextsharp PDF conversion library. Find out most popular NuGet pdf Packages. HiQPdf HTML to PDF Converter for. NET offers you a modern, simple, fast, flexible and powerful tool to create complex. Lets start building HTML string. String. Builder sb new String. Builder sb. Appendlt header classclearfix sb. Autocad 2009 Corrupt Files more. Appendlt h. 1 INVOICElt h. Appendlt div idcompany classclearfix sb. Appendlt div Company Namelt div sb. Appendlt div 4. John Tower,lt br AZ 8. USlt div sb. Appendlt div 6. Appendlt div lt a hrefmailto companyexample. Appendlt div sb. Appendlt div idproject sb. Appendlt div lt span PROJECTlt span Website developmentlt div sb. Appendlt div lt span CLIENTlt span John Doelt div sb. GGi.png' alt='Itextsharp Add Header To Existing Pdf' title='Itextsharp Add Header To Existing Pdf' />Appendlt div lt span ADDRESSlt span 7. Silver Harbour, TX 7. USlt div sb. Appendlt div lt span EMAILlt span lt a hrefmailto johnexample. Appendlt div lt span DATElt span April 1. Appendlt div lt span DUE DATElt span May 1. Appendlt div sb. Appendlt header sb. Appendlt main sb. Appendlt table sb. Itextsharp Add Header To Existing Pdf' title='Itextsharp Add Header To Existing Pdf' />Appendlt thead sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt th classservice SERVICElt th sb. Appendlt th classdesc DESCRIPTIONlt th sb. Appendlt th PRICElt th sb. Appendlt th QTYlt th sb. Appendlt th TOTALlt th sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt thead sb. Appendlt tbody sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt td classservice Designlt td sb. Appendlt td classdesc Creating a recognizable design solution based on the companys existing visual identitylt td sb. Appendlt td classunit 4. Appendlt td classqty 2lt td sb. Appendlt td classtotal 8. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt td colspan4 SUBTOTALlt td sb. Appendlt td classtotal 8. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt td colspan4 TAX 2. Appendlt td classtotal 2. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt td colspan4 classgrand total GRAND TOTALlt td sb. Appendlt td classgrand total 1,0. Appendlt tr sb. Appendlt tbody sb. Appendlt table sb. Appendlt div idnotices sb. Appendlt div NOTICE lt div sb. Appendlt div classnotice A finance charge of 1. Appendlt div sb. Appendlt main sb. Appendlt footer sb. AppendInvoice was created on a computer and is valid without the signature and seal. Appendlt footer. I am using String. Builder class for generating HTML string and pass to the parser for generating PDF. Before proceeding further add the following references. Text. Sharp. text using i. Text. Sharp. text. Text. Sharp. text. System. Configuration using System. IO using System. Linq using System. Net using System. Net. Mail using System. Text using System. Web Now lets write the code for generating in memory PDF from HTML string. String. Reader sr new String. Readersb. To. String Document pdf. Doc new DocumentPage. Size. A4, 1. 0f, 1. HTMLWorker htmlparser new HTMLWorkerpdf. Doc using Memory. Stream memory. Stream new Memory. Stream Pdf. Writer writer Pdf. Writer. Get. Instancepdf. Doc, memory. Stream pdf. Doc. Open htmlparser. Parsesr pdf. Lg Ips 234 Driver. Doc. Close byte bytes memory. Stream. To. Array memory. Stream. Close . Now lets understand the Line of code. After building the string we can read from the string as we have passed the generated string. String. Reader sr new String. Readersb. To. String We are building the PDF document with default page size of A4 Page size. Diwali Sms'>Diwali Sms. Document pdf. Doc new DocumentPage. Size. A4, 1. 0f, 1. Parse the HTML string using HTMLWorker of Itextsharp library,HTMLWorker htmlparser new HTMLWorkerpdf. Doc. Use the memory stream to reside the file in memory. Memory. Stream memory. Stream new Memory. Stream Now we get the PDF and memory stream to create the instance and write the document. Then first open the document, parse by the html worker and then after completing the work close the document dispose off the resources managing the resource properly. Pdf. Writer writer Pdf. Writer. Get. Instancepdf. Doc, memory. Stream pdf. Doc. Open htmlparser. Parsesr pdf. Doc. Close. Now we add the created document to the memory stream and use the bytes of it as a in memory reference to later attach to the email. Stream. To. Array memory. Stream. Close. This is all about first step which will generate the PDF file and we will later use this as an attachment. First Output. Now lets proceed to the second step Step 2 Email the Generated PDF File as an attachment. We will now use the Mail Message class to send email with in memory generated PDF File. From web. Email Configuration. Manager. App. Settingsfrom. Email. To. String Mail. Message mm new Mail. Message mm. To. Addrecipientaddress mm.