Robert Dilts Meta Programs

Negli anni ottanta poco dopo la pubblicazione di La Programmazione NeuroLinguistica Volume I con Robert Dilts e Judith DeLozier, Grinder e Bandler si ritirarono. The Article of the Month by Robert Dilts. Modeling. Websters Dictionary defines a model as a simplified description of a complex entity or process such as a. Transforming Recovery NLP And Addiction Dr Richard Bolstad Defining Addiction. At any given time, 67 of Americans show diagnostic signs of substance dependence O. In appreciation The Desert Botanical Garden is grateful to all 26,347 members and donors for their generosity. On these pages we recognize individual, company and. Robert Dilts Meta Programs' title='Robert Dilts Meta Programs' />Vi CONTENTS. Part 2 An evidencebased approach to NLP coaching 6. Best practice is evidencebased What does evidencebased mean 67 Theories, principles and. NLP Meta Programs, by John David Hoag. Advanced patterns of thinking that control what you perceive and how to change them. Toward vs. Away From. In this Meta Program, a persons attention is directed either toward what they want or away from what they dont want. It also applies to a persons ability to know what they want in the first place. It is related to the Attribution Style Best Case vs. Worst Case Scenario Thinking Meta Program below in the sense that logical pairs between the two Meta Programs are often simultaneously present. That is, someone using toward thinking will likely also be using best case scenario thinking. However, it is possible for a person to have an away from best case combination if one begins with a worst case Meta Program, since the person might consider best case scenarios to be unrealistic. When a person is in a state of having a problem, it is common that they will think and express themselves in terms of what they dont want. They dont want the problem. See more. PrevThe Dalai Lamas Thinking Style Back All Posts NextSeven Ways to Drive Yourself Crazy with Meta Programs About the Author Jaap Hollander. A Brief History of Logical Levels by Robert B. Dilts. The notion of logical levels refers to the fact that some processes and phenomena are created by the. This comprehensive, module by module NLP, HNLP Coach video training series will enable you to learn master the professions major techniques processes. But thats not all they dont want. When asked, What do you want instead a frequent answer is, Well, I dont want this, and I definitely dont want that, and I know I dont want that other thing, etc. When it is pointed out to the person that these are all examples of what is not wanted, rather than what is wanted, and the question is then repeated, What is it that you do want the most common answer is a pause, followed by, I dont know. The problem here is not that the person hasnt thought about what they want. Rather, its that when they think about what they want they use an Away From Meta Program habitually, reflexively and unconsciously which automatically presents to their awareness something negative so they can move away from it, and it filters from their perception and thinking the positive which they would want if they perceived it. Over time, a predominant transcontextual use of away from thinking may lead a person to conclude that the positive is impossible or highly unlikely since the person consistently deletes it from perception. They may lose hope and stop trying for a life they would really want and enjoy. Other problems related to the overuse, or context inappropriate use, of an Away From Meta Program include If a person has an away from goal, once the things they want to avoid have been avoided, theres no more goal. An example would be a person whose goal is to not be poor. As soon as the person evaluates that they are not poor, they lose a significant portion of their motivation to make money until they no longer have enough, at which time theyll be motivated again. So away from goals tend to produce inconsistent, on off, see sawing motivation. The Away From Meta Program, were it conscious, might be stated as a loose theory of process of elimination wherein a person posits that if they keep eliminating what they dont want, eventually theyll find something they do want. Samsung Galaxy Young Gt-S5360 Software there. The problem here is that they may not recognize what they do want when they finally encounter it because their mental processes are preoccupied with identifying what they dont want. Additionally, if a person assumes that there is more of what they dont want out there in the world, and less of what they do want, then away from thinking is the least efficient mode of attentional selection since they would have to sort through the larger number of negatives in the hope of finding a positive. It would be more efficient to perceive and identify the positives selecting them directly. If the process of elimination presupposes there is a positive to be found, then sorting experience to notice the positive a Toward Meta Program would be far more efficient. On the other hand, if the process of elimination presumes that there is no positive ultimately to be found, then there is no need to go to the trouble of eliminating everything else. In that case, everything would be presupposed to be negative and it might be more useful to correct the Meta Model Universal Quantifier everything and re calibrate ones criteria to a finer grain so that the relative best of everything can be sorted for. By the way, the statement everything is negative is a tautology and has no literal meaning like saying everything is up. In order for a person to keep moving away from what they dont want, they have to continuously notice the negatives they wish to move away from because if they didnt notice them, they couldnt avoid them. The downside of this process is that it directs a persons attention consistently to the negatives in their experience, filtering out the positives in the process. The effect is that a person sees a lot of negatives in their world and they may draw appropriately given their perceptions pessimistic conclusions. Yet, those conclusions may not be justified by a fuller representation of events and choices. So, by looking for what they dont want, a person will keep finding what they dont want. If a persons goal were to make themselves unhappy, this would be a good way to do it. The Away From Meta Program not only affects perception and thinking, it also affects memory and imagination. A person who is using this Meta Program may have difficulty remembering positive experiences and select, from all their past experiences, only those which are negative, thus constructing a life history which presents a very sad or unsatisfactory story, despite the fact that many good things did occur. Likewise, they may come to expect negative events to occur in the future e. Worst Case Scenario Thinking Meta Program below. The Law of Attraction Energy flows where attention goes. According to this law, if your attention is overly focused on negative things as away from thinking requires, you will actually attract more negative events and experiences to yourself. At present, there is little scientific evidence to support such a broad concept. However, some of the most successful people cite it as a factor in their success via focusing their attention on the positive and many cite anecdotal evidence in their own lives in support of its veracity. There may yet be something to it, or it may simply be the effect of positive self fulfilling prophesy see the positive, expect the positive, and you are more likely to produce the positive through your positive attitude and actions. Or it could be a little of both. American society, with its traditional can do attitude, generally rewards those whose thinking is toward more than those whose thinking is away from. Longshoreman philosopher Eric Hoffer wrote, You can never get enough of what you really dont want. If your goal is to not be poor, you can have millions and still not have what you dont want. Brian Van der Horst. The Brighter Side of Away FromNow, with all of those problems specific to the Away From Meta Program, a person might be tempted to think away from thinking is bad, or at least that they should avoid it. Avoiding away from thinking is another instance of away from thinking. But away from thinking has a great deal of value in certain contexts and for certain purposes. Consider a professional whose job is quality assurance. QA. Most products benefit from a thorough and critical review which seeks to find, identify and fix problems before the product goes to market.