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Arnim Zola to Captain America and Black WidowsrcHYDRA was an authoritarian terrorist criminal paramilitary organization bent on world domination. It was founded in ancient times, formerly as a cult centered around the fanatical worship of Hive, a powerful Inhuman that was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient Inhumans. Ever since his banishment, the cult had been determined to bring him back to Earth to commence a planetary takeover. Over the centuries, the cult evolved, taking many forms, with its most recent incarnation coming into existence shortly after the rise of Nazism in Germany under the leadership of Johann Schmidt as the scientific branch of the Nazi Schutzstaffel. During this time, the cult took on the name HYDRA, which has become the organizations most colloquial label. During World War II, Schmidt separated HYDRA from Nazi Germany to start his own conquest of the world, and it was during or before this time when HYDRA seemingly abandoned the cults original beliefs. Drivers Gerber Infinity 45 S' title='Drivers Gerber Infinity 45 S' />Converting from occultism, to draconian anti freedom principles, HYDRA became an organization of a hell bent nature that is dedicated to this newfound political doctrine. After its defeat at the hands of Captain America in 1. Johann Schmidt, HYDRA was secretly rebuilt inside S. H. I. E. L. D. by Schmidts top scientist Arnim Zola, who was recruited into the agency during Operation Paperclip. Though Zolas body died in the early 1. HYDRA was already well established, and Zolas mind continued to live in a computer. In the following decades, HYDRA orchestrated crises and planted roots worldwide establishing a clandestine network of operatives engaged in political engineering and scientific research. Blade__Knife__M2_Alloyed_Steel_45_Degrees_For_Gerber_Cutter_Xlc7000_GGT_Parts_21261011_1_649_1384872813.jpg' alt='Drivers Gerber Infinity 45 S' title='Drivers Gerber Infinity 45 S' />Drivers Gerber Infinity 45 SLike New Ladies Koflach Sport 425 Alpine ski boots white hot pink 27. HYDRAs endgame was the overthrow of world governments to establish a fascist, totalitarian global state thus pre emptively eliminating potential threats to their new world order. Members who still followed the original beliefs of HYDRA took part in this as a means of smoothly and immediately transfering control of a groomed Earth to their Inhuman idol. By the beginning of the 2. HYDRA managed to spread outside of S. H. I. E. L. D., infiltrating many important organizations, including the United States Government and the World Security Council, eventually establishing many secret bases around the world. One of HYDRAs top agents in S. H. I. E. L. D., John Garrett, secretly led the Centipede Project with the goal to recreate the Super Soldier. In 2. 01. 4, HYDRAs plans for world domination almost succeeded through their agent Alexander Pierce and S. H. I. E. L. D. s Project Insight. However, their plan to eliminate 2. HYDRA failed because of the efforts of HYDRAs oldest enemy, Captain America, who publicly exposed their infiltration of S. H. I. E. L. D. and destroyed their main tool of destruction, three of S. H. I. E. L. D. s Helicarriers, with Alexander Pierce being killed by S. H. I. E. L. D. s former director Nick Fury in the process. However, HYDRAs leader Wolfgang von Strucker already had new plans for global domination, plans which included twins declared miracles and the Scepter. With its existence publicly known, HYDRA started a war against the remnants of S. H. I. E. L. D., taking over many S. H. I. E. L. D. bases. For many months, HYDRAs forces led by John Garrett fought a vicious fight against the small team of loyal S. H. I. E. L. D. agents led by Phil Coulson. Despite its attempt to infiltrate the U. S. Armed Forces through Ian Quinn and the Deathlok Soldiers, Garretts group was ultimately defeated through the combined efforts of S. H. I. E. L. D. s former director Nick Fury, Coulsons team, and the U. S. Marines. However, even that defeat was only a temporary setback for HYDRA. S. H. I. E. L. D. HYDRA agents continued with their work, including the high ranking member Daniel Whitehall who used the fall of S. H. I. E. L. D. to start the campaign to recover the mysterious Obelisk. However, the campaign ended disastrously for HYDRA. Whitehall was killed before he could fully exploit the Obelisk, his second in command Sunil Bakshi was captured, and many other heads of HYDRA were killed by HYDRA itself when S. Microsoft Premier Support Services Contract. H. I. E. L. D. fooled them into thinking that there was a power struggle within HYDRAs ranks. Two of the remaining heads of HYDRA, Baron von Strucker and Doctor List, continued with their experiments on powered individuals. However, even their experiments came to an end when the Avengers attacked Struckers fortress in Sokovia, killing List and capturing Baron von Strucker, who was later killed by the robot Ultron. Struckers demise marked the end of HYDRAs militaristic and scientific faction, allowing for its more ancient roots to take control. Two of the few remaining HYDRA leaders, Grant Ward and Gideon Malick, joined forces to rebuild HYDRA, destroy S. H. I. E. L. D., and bring Hive back to Earth. Despite Wards death on Maveth by the hands of Coulson, Malicks plan succeeded because Hive took possession of Wards body and returned to Earth in his reanimated corpse. Hive slowly began taking control of some Inhumans, and at the same time took over the leadership of Malicks cell, which ended with Malicks death caused by Daisy Johnson. Hive eventually left HYDRA to perish in the military campaign led by Brigadier General Glenn Talbot. History. HYDRA Society. FoundationThousands of years ago, an Inhuman was born on this planet that was destined to rule it, so powerful, so fearsome that others were consumed with dread, and so they banished it from the Earth, sent it through the portal to a distant planet. HYDRA was founded with the sole purpose of engineering its return. Gideon MalicksrcThousands of years ago, a rogue Kree faction created the Inhumans on prehistoric Earth. The ruling Kree hierarchy, deeming the creation of the Inhumans a mistake, conceived the Monolith as a means of wiping them out by transporting them across space to another planet. One day, an Inhuman was born so powerful, that others banished him to the other planet. However, the Inhumans followers, believing him to be destined to rule the world, formed a secret society with the sole purpose to bring their leader back to Earth. Over the centuries, the society grew and evolved, taking many different shapes, being called by many different names. Eventually, the society came in possession of the Monolith, and started sending men through the portal, hoping to save or at least serve their leader on the other side. But none of them ever came back. As its symbols changed, the society became known as HYDRA2, with its final and best known symbol being inspired by the Inhumans true form. Centuries of AttemptsWill he come backOur best minds are working to understand this. But as far as we know, in all of history.