Crossroads Britney Spears

Crossroads 2. 00. Wikipedia. Crossroads is a 2. American comedy dramaroad film set in Georgia. Directed by Tamra Davis and written by Shonda Rhimes, the film stars pop singer Britney Spears, Anson Mount, Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning, Kim Cattrall and Dan Aykroyd. The film was produced by MTV Films and released on February 1. North America by Paramount Pictures. The plot centers on three teenage girls as they take a cross country road trip, finding themselves and their friendship in the process. Development on the film began in 2. Spears created a concept that was later expanded by Rhimes. Principal filming began on March 2. Critics gave negative reviews to Crossroads however, they considered it a better effort when compared to Mariah Careys 2. Taryn Manning shared an amazing throwback photo from Crossroads see how Britney Spears and Zoe Saldana looked Britney Jean Spears McComb, 2 dicembre 1981 una cantante, artista, ballerina, attrice, stilista, cantautrice e personaggio televisivo statunitense. Hot Shots Britney Spears 27 Hottest Video Looks. Go through the decades while reliving some of Brits most iconic style moments. Britney Jean Spears McComb, 2 de dezembro de 1981 uma cantora, compositora, danarina e atriz norteamericana. Nascida no Mississippi, e criada em Kentwood. Glitter. Despite the movies response from critics, it was a box office success, grossing over 6. Lucy Britney Spears, Kit Zoe Saldana, and Mimi Taryn Manning are three friends who live in a small Georgia town. While as young children, they bury a wish box and vow to dig it up on the night of their high school graduation, also pledging to stay best friends forever. However, as they grow up, their friendship fades due to their different approaches of high school Lucy becomes the introverted valedictorian, Kit becomes the most popular girl in school, and Mimi is an outcast from a trailer park and facing teenage pregnancy. Britney Jean Spears born December 2, 1981 is an American singer, dancer, and actress. Born in McComb, Mississippi, and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, she performed. On the night of their graduation, they keep their promise and get together to open the wish box. As they start talking again, they remember their old wishes while burying the box Mimi wanted to travel to California, Lucy wanted to find the mother she cannot remember, and Kit wanted to get married. Crossroads/md/CR_Britney_Spears_173.jpg' alt='Crossroads Britney Spears' title='Crossroads Britney Spears' />Mimi brings up the topic of going to Los Angeles for a record contract audition. Kit and Lucy try to convince Mimi to not go all the way to Los Angeles due to the fact that shes 5 months pregnant and anything dangerous can happen. However the next morning they decide to go together but each doing something separate Mimi going to the audition, Kit visiting her fianc and Lucy to see her mother in Tucson, Arizona. They set out on the road with little money in a yellow 1. Buick Skylark convertible with a guy named Ben Anson Mount. Lucy, however, leaves without the permission of her overbearing father Pete Dan Aykroyd, who wakes up the next day to find his daughter is gone. Shortly into their journey, the car breaks down. They realize that they dont have enough money between them for the travel or the repair costs. Mimi then suggests that she sing karaoke at a local bar, where good singers are tipped well by the customers. While at the bar, the girls dress up and go the stage to perform. However, when the song starts, Mimi develops stage fright, being unable to sing. Seeing that they needed the money, Lucy takes her place, and quickly becomes a hit with the crowd. They make enough money to fix the car and continue on their way. Shortly after the group checks into a motel, Kit tells the girls that a rumor she heard about Ben, commenting that he had recently been released from jail, after killing someone. The girls then spend most of the journey feeling uneasy around him, until they confront him. Ben reveals that he was in jail for driving his step sister across state borders without parental consent, after their stepfather was abusing her. Having established that Ben was not the assassin they imagined him to be, Lucy and Ben grow closer especially after she reads him a poem she wrote about growing up in life. Ms Excel 2007 Formulas In Urdu Pdf. The girls talk properly to each other for the first time since they were kids. Lucy reveals that her mother left her and her father when she was a child, but she is convinced her mother wants to find her, but is too afraid. Kit, who was overweight as a child, has an overbearing mother who sent her to fat camp but now cannot stand that her daughter is more beautiful than her. Mimi reveals that the babys father is not her ex boyfriend, but a guy who raped her after she got drunk at a party, and that she is planning to put the baby up for adoption. After they arrive in Arizona, Lucy finally meets her mother Caroline after eighteen years however, Caroline is not happy to see Lucy. She reveals that she has remarried, and that she now has two sons ages seven and ten. She reveals to Lucy that she was an unintended pregnancy and that she wants nothing to do with her, and Lucy leaves the house heartbroken. As she promptly arrives at the motel, Ben comforts her and impresses her by writing some music to her poem. The following day, Lucy rejoins the others and goes on to Los Angeles. When they arrive, Kit brings Mimi along to surprise her fiance, Dylan. While alone in the hotel, Lucy gives her virginity to Ben and they fall in love with each other. When Kit and Mimi arrive to Dylans place, it is revealed that he is cheating on Kit after they see another girl in his apartment. Already upset, Kit suddenly realizes that it was Dylan who raped Mimi and got her pregnant, and she punches him. Scared, Mimi runs away, and falls down the stairs. Consequently, she loses her baby. The girls comfort her as she comes to terms with her loss as she had decided to keep the baby. Because of this, Lucy decides to call her father to take her and the girls back home. However, her father is still putting pressure on Lucy to do what he wants. Kit and Mimi tell her that they think she should go to the audition in Mimis place. She initially declines, but when she gets into her fathers car, after the entire journey, she realizes that everything shes done has been to please her father instead of herself. Lucy tells her father to let her go and she runs after Ben, they embrace and kiss each other. She and the girls head off to the audition with Ben and receive a standing ovation after their performance of Lucys song Im Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman. In the end, the girls bury their wishbox at the beach, this time deciding not to make any wishes in the future but instead to focus on the present and their friendship. ProductioneditIn early 2. Spears said that she had plans to make her film debut. She and her team then created a concept for it,4 which was later developed by Greys Anatomy creator Shonda Rimes. Spears commented that she talked to Rimes and told her what I wanted the movie to be about and she elaborated on it. It was my little project. When you do a movie, I think you have to be really passionate about it. I was having a lot of offers, but this is something my heart was into. A press conference was held during the March International du Disque et de lEdition Musicale MIDEM in Cannes, France, on January 1. Spears also premiered the film. Filming for Crossroads initiated in March 2. Baton Rouge and Hammond, Louisiana, near Spears hometown. Due to the fact that Spears was also recording her third studio album along with the films production, filming only wrapped up after six months. Additional scenes were filmed in Los Angeles, California. Crossroads had a total budget of 1. According to the Louisiana Film and Video Commission, the film was originally titled What Friends are For. Spears described it as a teen movie that deals with real issues that normal teenagers live on a daily basis. She continued to explain the films content, saying that it is about this journey that the three of us best friends take, finding ourselves and what we want out of life and getting our friendship back. Circus album de Britney Spears Wikipdia Pour les articles homonymes, voir Circus. Circus. Album de Britney Spears. Sortie. 28novembre. EnregistrAvril septembre 2. Dure. 46 1. 5Genre. Pop, dance pop. Producteur. Teresa La. Barbera Whites producteur dlgu, Larry Rudolph producteur dlgu, Bloodshy Avant, Benny Blanco, The Clutch, Nate Danja Hills, Dr. Luke, Fernando Garibay, Greg Kurstin, Guy Sigsworth, Nicole Morier, Lets Go To War, Max Martin, The Outsyders, Harvey Mason, Jr., Rob Knox. Label. Jive Records. Critique. All. Music. The Guardian. The Independent. Rolling Stone. The Sunday Times. USA Today. Albums de Britney Spears. Blackout2. 00. 7The Singles Collection2. Singlesmodifier. Circus est le sixime album studio de la chanteuseamricaine. Britney Spears. Il est paru le 2. Europe et le 2 dcembre aux tats Unis, jour du vingt septime anniversaire de la chanteuse. Britney commence travailler sur lalbum dbut 2. Bloodshy Avant et Danja. Lalbum se compose essentiellement de musique pop et dance pop. Blackout. Dun point de vue commercial, lopus ralise de bonnes performances. Aux tats Unis, il dbute au sommet du Billboard 2. De plus, Britney obtient une place dans le Livre Guinness des records en devenant la plus jeune artiste fminine de lhistoire avoir cinq albums numro un aux tats Unis. Par ailleurs, lalbum obtient galement de bons classements au Canada et dans les charts europens. Le premier single de lalbum, Womanizer devient un hit mondial et bat le record de la plus grande progression au Billboard Hot 1. La chanson devient le single le plus vendu de Britney depuis. Baby One More Time. How To Install Updates On Garmin here. Le second single, Circus culmine la 3e place aux tats Unis. Le troisime single If U Seek Amy cre la polmique pour sa double signification, mais russi tout de mme atteindre le top 2. Unis. Circus est le deuxime album de Britney, depuis. Baby One More Time disposer de deux singles au top 1. Lalbum reoit une nomination aux Grammy Awards dans la catgorie Best Dance Recording pour Womanizer. Lalbum sest coul plus de 3,9 millions dexemplaires travers le monde1. Afin de soutenir lalbum, Britney lance sa cinquime tourne intitule, The Circus Starring Britney Spears. La tourne dmarre le 3 mars 2. La Nouvelle Orlans aux tats Unis pour sachever Adlade en Australie. La chanteuse ralise quatre tapes durant cette srie de concerts, passant deux fois par lAmrique du Nord et visant lEurope et lAustralie. La tourne suscite la controverse en Australie en raison des accusations de playback. Par ailleurs, Britney promu lalbum au cours de plusieurs missions de tlvision et sortant un vidoclip promotionnel pour la chanson Kill the Lights. Zbrush For Windows more. Le 3 janvier 2. 00. Britney Spears doit laisser la garde de ses fils aux reprsentants de son ex mari Kevin Federline. Elle est hospitalise le mme jour au Centre mdical Cedars Sinai. La police son arrive, note que la chanteuse semble tre sous linfluence dune substance illicite. Le lendemain, les droits de visite de Britney sont suspendues et Federline obtient la garde exclusive des enfants. Le 3. 1 janvier 2. Britney est admis en psychiatrie au Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Centere. Le tribunal a plac Spears sous la tutelle temporaire de son pre, James Spears ainsi que de lavocat Andrew Wallet, en leur donnant le contrle total de ses actifs. Spears est sortie de lhpital le 6 fvrier 2. Ses parents ont alors exprim leur dception et inquitude face la dcision de laisser sortir leur fille de lhpital. Le mois suivant, Britney Spears apparat en tant quinvite vedette dans la srie How I Met Your Mother, lors de lpisode Ten Session o elle campe le rle dAbby, une rceptionniste. Spears reoit des critiques positives pour sa performance, tout en offrant la srie son record daudience. En juillet 2. 00. Britney Spears retrouve certains de ses droits de visite aprs tre arrive un accord avec Federline et son avocat. Le 7 septembre 2. Britney Spears ouvre la crmonie des MTV Video Music Awards avec un sketch comique pr enregistr avec Jonah Hill, ainsi quun discours douverture. Durant la crmonie, la chanteuse remporte les prix, Best Female Video  Meilleur vido pour une artiste fminine , Best Pop Video  Meilleur vido pop  et Video of the Year  Vido de lanne  pour son titre Piece of Me. Britney For the Record, est ralis loccasion du retour de Spears dans lindustrie du disque. Ralis par Phil Griffin, For the Record a t entirement tourn Beverly Hills et New York, au cours du troisime trimestre de 2. La partie la plus importante du tournage a dbut le 5 septembre 2. Britney Spears au MTV Video Music Awards. Le documentaire a t diffus sur MTV le 3. MTV a dclar que le documentaire de Britney Spears avait recueilli la plus forte audience de lhistoire du rseau sur le crneau horaire du dimanche soir. Lalbum Circus a t prvu pour une sortie mondiale le 2 dcembre 2. Spears. Toutefois, suite aux fuites sur Internet, lalbum a t mis en vente en tlchargement numrique avant sa date de publication initiale. Il a t confirm en 2. Britney Spears tait en train denregistrer son sixime album studio. Le producteur Sean Garrett a confirm cette information en dclarant   Je suis juste heureux de la voir de retour et ressource. Elle est vraiment sannonce et obtenir sa situation dans son ensemble remettre ensemble. Je suis vraiment fier et heureux de la voir , aprs sa dpression trs mdiatise. Le manager de Spears, Larry Rudolph, confirme que le dveloppement de lalbum aura lieu lt 2. Spears a dclar au magazine OK, quelle navait jamais pass autant de temps enregistrer un album et que ctait son meilleur travail. Elle a ajout   Je pense quil est plus urbain. Jcris tous les jours, ici mme au piano dans ce salon . Le producteur Claude Kelly a parl du dveloppement de lalbum et de labsence de concept, en disant   Quand je suis arriv avec Luke, nous savions que nous allions peut tre crire quelque chose pour elle, mais il ny avait pas de concept, il fallait connatre son style et savoir ce quelle fait. Lalbum est sorti en parallle de celui du groupe Take That, The Circus avec la mme date de publication et le mme titre. Spears a parl du nom de lalbum en disant   Jaime le fait que vous soyez toujours au bord de votre sige quand vous tes au cirque. Vous ne vous ennuyez jamais. Vous tes vraiment en proie ce qui se passe autour de vous. Et vous voulez savoir ce qui va se passer ensuite. Spears a parl des premires sessions denregistrement en studio, attestant quelle avait choisi dcrire une grande partie des chansons de lalbum et quelle mettait au point un registre davantage influenc par la pop avec des producteurs avec qui elle avait dj travaill au dbut de sa carrire. La confirmation que Spears tait en studio pour lenregistrement de lalbum survient lt de 2. Sean Garrett, Guy Sigsworth, Danja et Bloodshy Avant. Max Martin, qui a produit le premier succs de Spears,. Baby One More Time, produit sur lalbum la chanson If U Seek Amy. Guy Sigsworth, qui a dj travaill avec la chanteuse sur les singles Everytime et Someday I Will Understand, a pass du temps en studio avec Spears en juin 2.