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How Playing Hooky From Work Can Boost Your Productivity. Feeling stressed Tired Skipping out on work might seem wrong, but according to one neuroscientist, it could end up making you more productive in the long run. Its common to feel tired after a long day at work or to need a holiday after a month long sprintRead more Read. As Dr. Tara Swartexplains to Fast Company, taking a little extra time off from work is good for your brain. In order to be productive, Swart says, you need blood flowing to all parts of your brain. Otherwise, you dont get enough of the glucose and oxygen delivered to the brain that you need to think and keep focused. But when youre too stressed at work, or feel like youre being treated unfairly, the brain moves your blood supply away from the higher centers of your brain and switches into whats called survival mode. In this state, you can work well enough to get by, but your productivity suffers and youre less willing to work with others. According to Swart, without the proper blood flow being sent to the higher, executive functions of the brain, you lose your ability to regulate emotions, suppress your biases, switch between tasks efficiently, solve complex problems faster, and you think less creatively. In the video, Swart likens your brain to being the CEO of your body. CEO thinks, what their values are, or how they like to work, youd be able to give them the best piece of work that you can. Its exactly like that with your brain. The more you know about how it works, the more you can get out of it. So Swart suggests you take some personal time off whenever youre really stressed or having interpersonal problems in the workplace. Call in sick even if you arent, or better yet, take one of those mental health days that arent used often enough. Youll come back more productive, creative, and feeling warmer towards your coworkers. Diploma Books In Tamil Pdf more. So, yeah, anyway, Im going to go take the rest of the day off dont tell my editors, and I hope you do too. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. EPSON DX 4400 epson .