Cetatea Alba Iulia Program Vizitare

Harman Fortified Church Castles and Fortresses in Transylvania, Romania. Romania UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Location Harman, Transylvania Central Romania. Address Str. Mihai Viteazul 1, Harman Brasov county. Cetatii-Alba-Carolina.jpg' alt='Cetatea Alba Iulia Program Vizitare' title='Cetatea Alba Iulia Program Vizitare' />Important monument istoric medieval din SE Europei, mnstirea Cotmeana este cea mai veche mnstire din ara Romneasc. Prima atestare documentar a. Cetatea Rasnov este o cetate veche din orasul Rasnov, una dintre cele mai bine pastrate cetati din Transilvania, construita n secolele 1314 de catre locuitori. Descoperiti locuri de vizitat in Alba Iulia muzee, biserici, parcuri, cetati, teatre si alte obiective turistice importante. Vedeti lista completa Daca ma bucur ca am ajuns din punct de vedere arheologic in afara tarii undeva, ma bucur ca in toamna anului 2011 am ajuns sa vizitez ruinele Pompeiului si vulcanul. Obiective Turistice Romania te ajuta sa iti cunosti tara, sa stii unde sa mergi si ce sa vezi pe aceste meleaguri. Avem locuri pe care poate nu le tii, cetati de. Harman Fortress Visiting Hours Program de Vizitare Cetatea Harman April 15 to October 14 Tuesday Sunday 9 a. Nearest large towns Brasov 5 miles S Nearest train station Brasov, Prejmer. Telephone 0. 72. E mail infoharmaninfo. Website Harman. Info. Media Harman Fortress Video. Harman Fortified Church is one of the 2. UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Romania. Located in the heart of Harman Honigburg in German, meaning Honey Castle village, this fortified church dates back to the 1. Saxons built the original structure. Strong walls and bulwarks surrounded the church and on its sides, massive towers were added. The choir was built in a square shape with a vault resembling a cross. It was surrounded by two chapels, indicating the influence of the Cistercian style. This influence can also be observed in the still standing original round windows with four lobes in the upper part of the church. The fortified church boasts two chapels. The south chapel has been preserved in its initial state while the north chapel was rebuilt in the 1. The exterior vaults of the chapel are sculptured in stone and have a human face at each end. Harman Fortress Visiting Hours Program de Vizitare Cetatea Harman April 1. October 1. 4Tuesday Sunday 9 a. Monday closed. October 1. April 1. 4Tuesday Sunday 1. Monday closed. Admission charge 1. Lei approx. 2. 5. Note The care taker lives in the house next to the fortress. To get access into the church just ring the bell or call 0. Bit Serial Divider there. ULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA Trasee de calatorie si turism in Romania. Daca ma bucur ca am ajuns din punct de vedere arheologic in afara tarii undeva, ma bucur ca in toamna anului 2. Pompeiului si vulcanul Vezuviu. Sentimentul de deja vu este unul prezent cand vizitezi si Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana. Muntii Retezat iau locul vulcanului, iar ruinele par din aceeasi poveste. La fel ca la Pompei, si aici doar o mica parte a ruinelor au fost dezgropate, doar o mica parte din zona, fiind cercetata arheologic. Sa speram ca in viitor se vor da bani si la cultura, si poate niste sapaturi noi vor aduce la lumina ruine si vestigii noi. PROGRAM DE VIZITARE zilnic 9 1. TARIFE VIZITARE elevi, studenti, persoane cu handicap 1,5 lei adulti 4,5 lei. TAXA FOTO persoane fizice 1. TAXA FILMARE persoane fizice 3. AMFITEATRULATELIERUL DE STICLARIEULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA ATELIERELE DE STICLARIE, TEMPLUL ZEULUI SILVANUS SI TEMPLUL MARETEMPLUL LUI SILVANUSTEMPLUL MAREULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSADOMUS PROCURATORISULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAFORULULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSACURIAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSACURTEA FORULUIULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSAULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA.